8 awesome time-lapse videos that will make your feet itch

Everything you love about travel compressed into a few minutes of extraordinary video

4 mins

1. Walk the line

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Especially when that 44 day, 38,000 kilometre 'line' is edited into a one minute video.

2. How travel changes you

They say travel changes you. Christoph Rehage walked 4,646 km through China and chronicled not only the transitions in scenery but permutations in his hairstyle and facial hair as well.

3. Hitchhiking USA

Benjamin Jenks stuck out his thumb and hitched across the the USA so you don't have to. Trouble is, after watching his video, that's exactly what you'll want to do.

4. San Francisco to Paris in two minutes

If only all flights between Europe and the US took this long. And guaranteed a spectacular Northern Lights display one minute and eight seconds in.

5. Dancing Matt

In 2003 and 2004 Matt Harding travelled the world, filming himself dancing a little jig in travel hotspots. His sheer, dorky joy is infectious and will make you want to dance like a loon in front of a famous tourist attraction too.

6. Speeding around the world in under five minutes

Does what it says on the tin. San Francisco resident Kien Lam took more 6,000 photographs in 17 countries as he travelled around the world in 2010 and 2011. He made a video featuring them and got his brother to compose the soundtrack.

7. Rocking the boat

If you find the idea of taking a cruise just a bit too relaxing, check out this video compiled by bored crew members. All the good bits. And none of the sea sickness.

8. More proof that travel changes you

When Wanderlust blogger Charlie Walker set off from London to cycle around the world he was a fresh-faced, clean-cut graduate. By the time he reached China he wasn't. Watch the transformation in 1 minute 40 seconds.

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