Chris Moss

Chris Moss was born in Lancashire and after studying Theology and English Literature at King’s College, London and Liverpool University, he went to live in Buenos Aires. After six years working as a teacher, he began to write for the local English-language daily, the Buenos Aires Herald, and filed stories on arts and culture in Argentina for the UK and US press. He also helped set up a magazine for the homeless, Hecho en Buenos Aires, and wrote and co-edited Time Out guides to Buenos Aires and Patagonia.

On returning to the UK in 2001 after a decade overseas, he realised most editors wanted to send him back to Buenos Aires. He has returned to Argentina many times and has also been to every South American country at least once, and to Central America and the Caribbean several times too. His travel writing, for Wanderlust, the Daily Telegraph and Financial Times, among others, has also taken him to Kamchatka, Altai, Greenland and South Georgia, as well as every corner of Spain – his preferred short-haul escape. Between trips he has worked on the staff of the Daily Telegraph and Time Out magazine, London.

He is the author of Patagonia: A Cultural History (Signal, 2008) and is writing a novel about Buenos Aires. He has contributed to more than twenty guidebooks, as editor and/or writer and has been awarded prizes by the Latin American Travel Association, Visit England and the British Travel Press Awards.


Twitter: @traveloguer

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